Take a moment to think about how many times you have used your phone, tablet or computer in the last 24 hours to search for something on the web. With over 5.6 billion searches per day on Google (& remember that is just one search platform) being visible on the web is a business necessity.

Consumers these days are statistically using the internet to search for information about products and brands and often look directly for a company’s website. If your business doesn’t have a web presence except maybe a small listing in an online directory, then consumers are asking if you are reputable and professional enough to do business with. It’s just the way it is.

Contrary to what you may think, having a professional-looking website doesn’t mean breaking your marketing budget. You can have a website built that when put into perspective with advertising on other traditional media streams such as newspapers and radio is often more cost-effective. Remember if you have a domain, hosting services, great SEO and content, your website can be found globally, 24-seven! What other media stream allows that?

All businesses know that having a social media presence is also exceptionally important for business, however social media sites should be used to funnel people to your website where the real business can take place. Your own website also means you can show your brand and services as you want to, without the limited customisation features that social media imposes.

Of course, as a digital marketer I am going to be able to brag about the investment benefits of a business website, and that is because client’s sites and their feedback doesn’t lie. I recently had a client tell me how excited they were when they had searched on Google for a product and up popped their website, position number 2. Now whilst that made my day and the clients, his smile went from ear to ear, it does show that investing in your business via a professionally developed website is a smart move.

I read a great article this week (online of course) and here was the first two lines:
Do you have a business and don’t have a website? If you said yes, it’s almost as if your business doesn’t exist.

OUCH! Those lines are so often mentioned in the digital era now as information is critical to consumers and as you know yourself, you’re looking online for information daily. I know I could list 20 reasons off the top of my head for why it’s critical for businesses to invest in a website, but I have narrowed it down to 8:

• Customers have access to your business information 24-seven;
• Less expensive than traditional advertising mediums;
• A website gives you opportunities to prove your credibility & build customers trust;
• You can update your website as often as you like keeping your information fresh;
• Increase business opportunities by competing in both the local and global markets, depending on where you want to position your business;
• Your business never has to close making it convenient for your customers;
• It’s happening now – offline businesses are finding it harder to compete with online businesses;
• Marketing trends are showing consumers today prefer products or services offered by businesses with a professional online presence.

The business world is changing, and digital marketing is at the forefront of that change. Traditional marketing methods are diminishing, and websites and social media channels are charging the growth and are key in today’s world for business success. These and so many other reasons are why investing in a website is a smart business move. Make sure your marketing strategy involves investment in digital growth.

Here’s to success, growth and awesome websites that work.
